Sedona Framework

The Sedona Framework is a software platform designed to facilitate smart application building for network embedded devices.

The Sedona represents the interests of a community of developers, system integrators, and users promoting the use of the Sedona
as an open control software environment.

Sedona Framework highlights

Real-time programming with the use of SVM (Sedona Virtual Machine).

Component Oriented – pre-built components assembled into applications.

Networking – designed to work with various network topologies.

Open Source Ecosystem.

Sedona Programming Language – allows creating own custom functionalities.

Products powered by Sedona Framework

AAC20 Controllers – freely programmable Advanced Application Controllers for DDC control and multiprotocol integration platform. Equipped with onboard 22 I/Os, 2RS485 ports, 2 ports with Ethernet interface working in a switch mode, 1-Wire interface, Modbus and BACnet communication and built-in web server.

AAC20 offers a rapid fast advanced application control with a possibility of creating a tailor-made application with a power and flexibility offered by the Sedona Framework. Sedona is an open-source software environment designed to make it easy to build smart, networked, embedded devices, which are well-suited for implementing control applications.
FCU Controllers – Configurable and freely programable controllers for Fan Coil units with Modbus and BACnet communication. Equipped with onboard 18 I/Os, adapted to be supplied with 230V AC or 24V AC.

FCU is a configurable and freely programmable controller with Modbus RTU/ASCII and BACnet MS/TP protocols onboard. The possibility of creating a tailor-made application with the power and flexibility offered by the Sedona Framework makes the controller useful not only for fan coil control. Sedona is an open-source software environment designed to make it easy to build smart, networked, embedded devices, which are well-suited for implementing control applications.