Discover our Technologies


An IoT-ready, embedded software platform dedicated to devices with microcontroller, making them embeded building devices  with smart functionalities.

The nano EDGE ENGINE introduces a user-friendly interface that makes working with the device very efficient. It provides a predefined quadruple structure tree of the device, which guides the user through the whole process of setting and working with the device.

Niagara Framework

Niagara Framework® is a comprehensive software infrastructure that addresses the challenges of creating device-to-enterprise applications.

It serves as a central console for connecting real-time operational data to the people and systems that manage workflows in smart buildings, data centers, industrial processes, smart cities and other aspects of business enterprises.

Sedona Framework

The Sedona Framework is a software platform designed
to facilitate smart application building for network embedded devices.

The Sedona represents the interests of a community
of developers, system integrators, and users promoting the use of the Sedona as an open control software environment.